--- ConsoleHelp_4.17.html
+++ ConsoleHelp_4.18.html
{name: "a.URO.DisableInterpolation", help:"Set to 1 to disable interpolation", type:"Var"},
{name: "Collision.ListObjectsWithCollisionComplexity", help:"", type:"Cmd"},
{name: "Editor.OverrideDPIBasedEditorViewportScaling", help:"Sets whether or not we should globally override screen percentage in editor and PIE viewports", type:"Var"},
{name: "fx.DevDetailsPanels", help:"Whether to enable the development details panels inside Niagara.", type:"Var"},
{name: "fx.DumpParticleData", help:"If > 0 current frame particle data will be dumped after simulation. \n", type:"Var"},
{name: "fx.QualityLevelSpawnRateScaleReferenceLevel", help:"Controls the reference level for quality level based spawn rate scaling. This is the FX quality level\nat which spawn rate is not scaled down; Spawn rate scaling will happen by each emitter\'s\nQualityLevelSpawnRateScale value for each reduction in level below the reference level.\n\nDefault = 2. Value should range from 0 to the maximum FX quality level.", type:"Var"},
{name: "gc.DumpPoolStats", help:"Dumps count and size of GC Pools", type:"Cmd"},
{name: "gc.TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjectsOnIdleServerMultiplier", help:"Multiplier to apply to time between purging pending kill objects when on an idle server.", type:"Var"},
{name: "LLM.LLMWriteInterval", help:"The number of seconds between each line in the LLM csv (zero to write every frame)", type:"Var"},
{name: "log.Timestamp", help:"Defines if time is included in each line in the log file and in what form. Layout: [time][frame mod 1000]\n  0 = Do not display log timestamps\n  1 = Log time stamps in UTC and Frametimeframe time (default) e.g. [2015.11.25-21.28.50:803][376]\n  2 = Log timestamps in seconds elapsed since GStartTime e.g. [0130.29][420]",[0130.29][420]  3 = Log timestamps in local time and frame time e.g. [2017.08.04-17.59.50:803][420]", type:"Var"},
{name: "net.AllowEncryption", help:"If true, the engine will attempt to load an encryption PacketHandler component and fill in the EncryptionToken parameter of the NMT_Hello message based on the ?EncryptionToken= URL option and call callbacks if it\'s non-empty.", type:"Var"},
{name: "net.RandomizeSequence", help:"Randomize initial packet sequence", type:"Var"},
{name: "niagara.AllowAllNiagaraNodesInEmitterGraphs", help:"If true, all nodes will be allowed in the Niagara emitter graphs. \n", type:"Var"},
{name: "niagara.ParallelEffectRenderers", help:"Whether to run Niagara effect renderers in parallel", type:"Var"},
{name: "niagara.ParallelEmitterTick", help:"Whether to tick individual emitters in an effect in parallel", type:"Var"},
{name: "p.APEXMaxDestructibleDynamicChunkCount", help:"APEX Max Destructible dynamic Chunk Count.", type:"Var"},
{name: "p.APEXMaxDestructibleDynamicChunkIslandCount", help:"APEX Max Destructilbe Dynamic Chunk Island Count.", type:"Var"},
{name: "p.bAPEXSortDynamicChunksByBenefit", help:"True if APEX should sort dynamic chunks by benefit.", type:"Var"},
{name: "PakCorrupt", help:"Sorry: Exec commands have no help", type:"Exec"},
{name: "PakFileTest", help:"Tests the low level filesystem by mounting a pak file and doing multithreaded loads on it forever. Arg should be a full path to a pak file.", type:"Cmd"},
{name: "r.AllowHDR", help:"Creates an HDR compatible swap-chain and enables HDR display output.0: Disabled (default)\n1: Allow HDR, if supported by the platform and display \n", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Android.OverrideExternalTextureSupport", help:"Override external texture support for OpenGLES API. (Android Only)\n  0 = normal detection used [default]\n  1 = disable external texture support\n  2 = force ImageExternal100 (version #100 with GL_OES_EGL_image_external)\n  3 = force ImageExternal300 (version #300 with GL_OES_EGL_image_external)\n  4 = force ImageExternalESSL300 (version #300 with GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3)", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.AndroidDisableThreadedRenderingFirstLoad", help:"Sets whether or not to allow threaded rendering for a particular Android device profile on the initial load.\n\t0 = Allow threaded rendering on the initial load [default]\n\t1 = Disable threaded rendering on the initial load", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.ConsoleTextScale", help:"Sets the scale of the debug text.\n", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.DebugTextScale", help:"Sets the scale of the debug text.\n", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.DistanceFields.ForceAtlasRealloc", help:"Force a full realloc.", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVramHzb", help:"Whether to store HZB in fast VRAM", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRamSceneColor", help:"Whether to store scene color in fast VRAM", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRamSceneDepth", help:"Whether to store scene depth in fast VRAM", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRamStaticLayoutFillWithGBuffers", help:"Whether to fill ESRAM with GBuffers, all pass temporaries will fail to allocate.  Games with mostly static lighting will benefit more from filling ESRAM with GBuffers instead of pass temporaries.\nNOTE: Only applies if r.FastVRamDynamicAllocation is disabled.","r.FastVRam.BokehDOF", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.CircleDOF", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.CombineLUTs", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.CustomDepth", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DBufferA", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DBufferB", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DBufferC", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DBufferMask", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DistanceFieldAOBentNormal", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DistanceFieldAOConfidence", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DistanceFieldAODownsampledBentNormal", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DistanceFieldAOHistory", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DistanceFieldAOScreenGridResources", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DistanceFieldCulledObjectBuffers", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DistanceFieldIrradiance", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DistanceFieldNormal", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DistanceFieldShadows", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.DistanceFieldTileIntersectionResources", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.Distortion", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.Downsample", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.EyeAdaptation", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.ForwardLightingCullingResources", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.GBufferA", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.GBufferB", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.GBufferC", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.GBufferD", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.GBufferE", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.GBufferVelocity", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.Histogram", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.HistogramReduce", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.HZB", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.LightAccumulation", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.LightAttenuation", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.LPV", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.MotionBlur", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.SceneColor", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.SceneDepth", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.ScreenSpaceAO", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.ScreenSpaceShadowMask", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.SeparateTranslucency", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.ShadowCSM", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.ShadowPerObject", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.ShadowPointLight", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.Tonemap", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.Upscale", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.VelocityFlat", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.VelocityMax", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.FastVRam.VolumetricFog", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.MobileMaxLoadedMips", help:"Maximum number of loaded mips for nonstreaming mobile platforms.\n", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.MSAA.AllowCustomResolves", help:"Whether to use builtin HW resolve or allow custom shader MSAA resolves", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.RenderTargetPool.TransientAliasingMode", help:"Enables transient resource aliasing for rendertargets. Used only if GSupportsTransientResourceAliasing is true.\n0 : Disabled\n1 : enable transient resource aliasing for fastVRam rendertargets\n2 : enable transient resource aliasing for fastVRam rendertargets and those with a Transient hint. Best for memory usage - has some GPU cost (~0.2ms)\n3 : enable transient resource aliasing for ALL rendertargets (not recommended)\n", type:"Var"},

{name: "r.RHIRenderPasses", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.ScreenPercentage.Editor","r.ScreenPercentage.VREditor", help:"To allow to have an effect of ScreenPercentage in the editor.\n0:VR Editor.\n0: off (default)\n1: allow upsample (blurry but faster) and downsample (cripser but slower)", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Shaders.FlowControlMode", help:"Specifies whether the shader compiler should preserve or unroll flow-control in shader code.\nThis is primarily a debugging aid and will override any per-shader or per-material settings if not left at the default value (0).\n\t0: Off (Default) - Entirely at the discretion of the platform compiler or the specific shader/material.\n\t1: Prefer - Attempt to preserve flow-control.\n\t2: Avoid - Attempt to unroll and flatten flow-control.\n", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Shadow.OcclusionCullCascadedShadowMaps", help:"Whether to use occlusion culling on cascaded shadow maps.  Disabled by default because rapid view changes reveal new regions too quickly for latent occlusion queries to work with.", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold", help:"Cull shadow casters if they are too small, value is the minimal screen space bounding sphere radius\n(default 0.03)",radius", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Shadow.TexelsPerPixelPointlight", help:"The ratio of subject pixels to shadow texels for point lights", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Shadow.UnbuiltPreviewInGame", help:"Whether to render unbuilt preview shadows in game.  When enabled and lighting is not built, expensive preview shadows will be rendered in game.  When disabled, lighting in game and editor won\'t match which can appear to be a bug.", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.SkinCache.ForceRecomputeTangents", help:"Forces enabling/usinghelp:"0: off (default)\n1: Forces enabling and using the skincache and forces all skinned object to Recompute Tangents\n", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.SkinCache.Mode", help:"Whether or not to use the GPU compute skinning cache.\nThis will perform skinning on a compute job and not skin on the vertex shader.\nRequires r.SkinCache.CompileShaders=1\n 0: off\n 1: on(default)on(default)\n 2: only use skin cache for skinned meshes that ticked the Recompute Tangents checkbox (unavailable in shipping builds)", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Streaming.ScaleTexturesByGlobalMipBias", help:"If non-zero, streaming textures wanted resolution will be scaled down by the global mip bias", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.SupportDepthOnlyIndexBuffers", help:"Enables depth-only index buffers. Saves a little time at the expense of doubling the size of index buffers.", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.SupportReversedIndexBuffers", help:"Enables reversed index buffers. Saves a little time at the expense of doubling the size of index buffers.", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.TransientResourceAliasing.Buffers", help:"If true, enablehelp:"Enables transient resource aliasing for buffers", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.TransientResourceAliasing.RenderTargets", help:"0 : Disabled\n1 : enable transient resource aliasing for fastVRam rendertargets\n2 : enable transient resource aliasing for ALL rendertargets (experimental!)\n",specified buffers. Used only if GSupportsTransientResourceAliasing is true.\n", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.VolumetricLightmap.VisualizationMinScreenFraction", help:"Minimum screen size of a volumetric lightmap visualization sphere", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.VolumetricLightmap.VisualizationRadiusScale", help:"Scales the size of the spheres used to visualize volumetric lightmap samples.", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Vulkan.AllowAsyncCompute", help:"0 to disable async compute queue(if available)1 to allow async compute queue", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Vulkan.AllowPresentOnComputeQueue", help:"0 to present on the graphics queue1 to allow presenting on the compute queue if available", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Vulkan.PipelineCacheCompression", help:"Enable/disable compression on the Vulkan pipeline cache disk file\n", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Vulkan.ProfileCmdBuffers", help:"Insert GPU timing queries in every cmd buffer\n", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Vulkan.RHIThread", help:"1help:"0 to only use Render Thread\n1 to use ONE RHI Thread\n2 to use multiple RHI Thread",Thread\n", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Vulkan.UniqueValidationMessages", help:"Filter out validation errors with the same code (only when r.Vulkan.EnableValidation is non zero)", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.Vulkan.UseRealUBs", help:"If true, enable using emulatedhelp:"0: Emulate uniform buffers on Vulkan ES2 mode.",SM4/SM5 [default]\n1: Use real uniform buffers", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.XGEController.Enabled", help:"Enables or disables the use of XGE for various build tasks in the engine.\n0: Local builds only. \n1: Distribute builds using XGE (default).", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.XGEController.Timeout", help:"The time, in seconds, to wait after all tasks have been completed before shutting down the controller. (default: 2 seconds).", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.XGEShaderCompile.BatchGroupSize","r.XGEShaderCompile.Mode", help:"Selects which dispatch mode to use.\n0: Use legacy xml dispatch mode. (default)\n1: Prefer interception mode if available (requires XGE controller support). Falls back to legacy mode otherwise.\n2: Force interception mode. Disables XGE shader compiling if XGE controller is not available.\n", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.XGEShaderCompile.Xml.BatchGroupSize", help:"Specifies the number of batches to fill with shaders.\nShaders are spread across this number of batches until all the batches are full.\nThis allows the XGE compile to go wider when compiling a small number of shaders.\nDefault = 128\n", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.XGEShaderCompile.BatchSize","r.XGEShaderCompile.Xml.BatchSize", help:"Specifies the number of shaders to batch together into a single XGE task.\nDefault = 16\n", type:"Var"},
{name: "r.XGEShaderCompile.JobTimeout","r.XGEShaderCompile.Xml.JobTimeout", help:"The number of seconds to wait for additional shader jobs to be submitted before starting a build.\nDefault = 0.5\n", type:"Var"},
{name: "ShowFlag.MediaPlanes", help:"Allows to override a specific showflag (works in editor and game, \"show\" only works in game and UI only in editor)\nUseful to run a build many time with the same showflags (when put in consolevariables.ini like \"showflag.abc=0\")\n 0: force the showflag to be OFF\n 1: force the showflag to be ON\n 2: do not override this showflag (default)", type:"Var"},
{name: "ShowFlag.VisualizeVolumetricLightmap", help:"Allows to override a specific showflag (works in editor and game, \"show\" only works in game and UI only in editor)\nUseful to run a build many time with the same showflags (when put in consolevariables.ini like \"showflag.abc=0\")\n 0: force the showflag to be OFF\n 1: force the showflag to be ON\n 2: do not override this showflag (default)", type:"Var"},
{name: "ShowFlag.VolumetricLightmap", help:"Allows to override a specific showflag (works in editor and game, \"show\" only works in game and UI only in editor)\nUseful to run a build many time with the same showflags (when put in consolevariables.ini like \"showflag.abc=0\")\n 0: force the showflag to be OFF\n 1: force the showflag to be ON\n 2: do not override this showflag (default)", type:"Var"},
{name: "Slate.PreventDuplicateMouseEventsForTouch","Slate.PreventDuplicateMouseEventsForTouchForWindows7", help:"Hack to get around multiple mouse events being triggered for touch events.events on Windows 7 and lower.  Enabling this will prevent pen tablets from working on windows 7 since until we switch to the windows 8 sdk (and can use WM_POINTER* events) we cannot detect the difference", type:"Var"},
{name: "Slate.ShowBatching", help:"0: Don\'t show batching, 1: Show Batching", type:"Var"},
{name: "Slate.ShowOverdraw", help:"0: Don\'t show overdraw, 1: Show Overdraw", type:"Var"},
{name: "t.DumpHitches.AllThreads", help:"Dump all Threads when doing stat dumphitches\n 0: Only Game and Render Threads (default)\n 1: All threads", type:"Var"},
{name: "TMH", help:"Sorry: Exec commands have no help", type:"Exec"},
{name: "VI.ActorSnap", help:"Whether or not to snap to Actors in the scene. Off by default, set to 1 to enable.", type:"Var"},
{name: "VI.AllowSimultaneousWorldScalingAndRotation", help:"When enabled, you can freely rotate and scale the world with two hands at the same time.  Otherwise, we\'ll detect whether to rotate or scale depending on how much of either gesture you initially perform.", type:"Var"},
{name: "VI.EnableGuides", help:"Whether or not guidelines should be enabled. Off by default, set to 1 to enable.", type:"Var"},
{name: "VI.TriggerTouchThreshold_Rift", help:"Minimum trigger threshold before we consider the trigger \'touched\'", type:"Var"},
{name: "VI.TriggerTouchThreshold_Vive", help:"Minimum trigger threshold before we consider the trigger \'touched\'", type:"Var"},
{name: "VI.WorldRotationDragThreshold", help:"How much (degrees) you need to perform a rotation gesture before world rotation starts to happen.", type:"Var"},
{name: "VI.WorldScalingDragThreshold", help:"How much you need to perform a scale gesture before world scaling starts to happen.", type:"Var"},
{name: "vr.DebugCanvasInLayer", help:"Experimental0 to disable (default), 1 to enable.", type:"Var"},
{name: "vr.MultiView", help:"0 to disable multi-view instanced stereo, 1 to enable.\nCurrently only supported by the PS4 RHI.",& Metal RHIs.", type:"Var"},
{name: "vr.SteamVR.AdaptiveDebugGPUTime", help:"Added to the the GPU frame timing, in ms, for testing", type:"Var"},
{name: "vr.SteamVR.AdaptiveGPUTimeThreshold", help:"Time, in ms, to aim for stabilizing the GPU frame time at", type:"Var"},
{name: "vr.SteamVR.PixelDensityAdaptiveDebugCycle", help:"If non-zero, the adaptive pixel density will cycle from max to min pixel density, and then jump to max.", type:"Var"},
{name: "vr.SteamVR.PixelDensityAdaptiveDebugOutput", help:"If non-zero, the adaptive pixel density will print debugging info to the log.", type:"Var"},
{name: "vr.SteamVR.PixelDensityAdaptivePostProcess", help:"If non-zero, when the adaptive density changes, we\'ll disable TAA for a few frames to clear the buffers.", type:"Var"},
{name: "vr.SteamVR.PixelDensityMax", help:"Maximum pixel density, as a float", type:"Var"},
{name: "vr.SteamVR.PixelDensityMin", help:"Minimum pixel density, as a float", type:"Var"},
{name: "vr.SteamVR.ShowDebug", help:"If non-zero, will draw debugging info to the canvas", type:"Var"},
{name: "VREd.HideContentBrowserWhileDragging", help:"", type:"Var"},
{name: "VREd.PlacementInterpolationDuration", help:"How long"VREd.PlacementInterpolationEnabled", help:"If weshould interpolatenewly-placed objects to their target location.",desired size and the end of the laser when dragging out of content browser.", type:"Var"},
{name: "VREd.PlacementToEndOfLaser", help:"If we interpolate to the end of the laser when dragging out of content browser.", type:"Var"},
{name: "VREd.SettingsTriggerPressedThreshold_Rift", help:"The amount (between 0-1) you have to depress the Oculus Touch controller trigger to register a press ", type:"Var"},
{name: "VREd.SettingsTriggerPressedThreshold_Vive", help:"The amount (between 0-1) you have to depress the Vive controller trigger to register a press", type:"Var"},